Another reason not to trust the news
According to Minnesota's own WCCO, "Americans are much less likely to marry today than they were 25 years ago and those who do, are getting hitched later in life." Phooey.
Maybe true on a whole, but not in my life. Of all my friends, I can count 5 who are not engaged or in a serious relationship (yet). In fact, I have 2 weddings to go to this summer. Weddings I will go to alone, because, I have never had a "significant other". Generally I'm okay with this. No big deal. Sure it'd be great to find somebody, but I can wait. The frustration comes in when I realize that most of my friends are on very different life paths than me right now. Nothing wrong with that, it's just hard to relate--and spend time--with friends who are planning their honeymoons while I'm still waiting for my first boyfriend (if that even happens). So as a result, I need to find new friends I can connect with whom are closer to my life situation. But I still really like my old friends...
Anyhow, it looks as this is going to be my "March post". Topic: relationships. Ahh, so cliche for a dumb blog post. Well, if I find incentive maybe I'll write more things in March that are actually worth discussion. But for now, signing off...
Hangeth in thar, friend. GOD alone is in total control!
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