Still trying to learn...
Dear God,
Thanks for helping me fix the wireless internet connection, because I like it so much better in my own room. Oh, what luxaries I am spoiled with *blush*. But I am thankful for that, this blog, well, the internet in general. But most of all, for your grace that I not only hear about constantly but actually discover myself. For your faithfulness despite how much I've let you down and will continue to do so. For your hope. And for tonight, when my stubborn heart finally opened up a little to realize all this once again. Thank you for providing friends when I need them, and keeping them away when you know I don't. You know that most the time my emotional health relies on them, and it's good for me when sometimes you're the only one available, the only one to run to. because You should be my first haven anyway. (but also thanks for friends who open up their apartments so i have a place to safely discover such things).
I find it so amazing that God knows exactly what I need and when I need it. I guess i shouldn't, I mean he's God, but, when things start to get quite bleak I sometimes forget that.
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